Describe in concrete detail how this person has a characteristic movement.

Words: 236
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Question One:
Use your own power point to construct a five paragraph essay on your country.
Main Idea Paragraph will begin with your thesis. Follow up with three sentences that explain the idea.
Support paragraphs: 3
Each support paragraph will begin with a topic sentence that relates the evidence in this paragraph to the thesis.

Do an honest reflection on how you experienced the global unit of our class.

Question Two:
Five Paragraph Essay that imagines your future self using cognitive skills to structure each paragraph.
1. Name yourself, provide a physical space to represent your perspective, ask a hard question.
2. Describe in concrete detail the most important person at this time.
3. Describe in concrete detail how this person has a characteristic movement.
4. In two words in the first sentence, give the two sides of the conflict.
5. How do you think you will resolve this conflict?
Submit your final exam to me over email by May 17 at midnight .

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