Write an essay using psychoanalysis to explain a characters personality of your choosing.

Words: 319
Pages: 2
Subject: Do My assignment

Write an essay using psychoanalysis to explain a characters personality of your choosing. The essay must follow the following format
AT LEAST 5 full pages in length. Double spaced, Times New Roman 12 sized Font
Begin your paper at the very top of the page. Do not write your name, date, or title the page.
Paragraph 1 introduce the essay and Character. Give a brief description of the characters history and demographics.
Paragraph 2 Psychosexual stage fixation . If no fixation, explain why
Define the stage the character is fixated on. Explain what should happen in that stage in order for the person to move on successfully through the stage. Explain what might have happened to the character that made them fixated on this stage.
Paragraph 3. Id , ego ,superego define all three
Where is the most psychic energy devoted in this character? What leads you to believe this?
Paragraph 4 What defense mechanism/Mechanisms does this character employ?
Define the defense mechanism , give two examples
Why was this defense employed ? What was the character avoiding?
Paragraph 5 How would psycho analysis help this person? Include techniques and rationale behind psychoanalysis as a means of changing personality.
Conclusion wrap up the essay by briefly reiterating what you have already covered. Try to give a summarizing sentence or two that describes the characters personality. What limitations does psychoanalysis have when it comes to understanding personality? End with a question or what other mechanism/modality you might use to study this characters personality.

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