What are there linkages between the story and any of the key concepts or ideas we have talked about or read about in class?

Words: 213
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

• Nonprofit Quarterly – https://nonprofitquarterly.org/ (https://nonprofitquarterly.org/)
• Chronicle of Philanthropy – https://www.philanthropy.com/ (https://www.philanthropy.com/)
You will answer three key questions in your write-up:

1) Why did this story capture your attention, or what about it interested you?
2) What new insight did you gain about the nonprofit sector as a result of reading this story?
3) What are there linkages between the story and any of the key concepts or ideas we have talked about or read about in class?

The best way to structure this paper is to have a brief introductory paragraph that gives a veyr short summary of each article, then have 2-3 longer paragraphs for each article you have chosen. A key element of this assign
ment is to
discuss key concepts from this class
for each article.

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