What is the association of arch height with ankle muscle strength and physical performance in adult men?

Words: 212
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

What are the arches of the foot and its biomechanics?
What is the influence of arch height on peak pressures during barefoot walking?
What is the association of arch height with ankle muscle strength and physical performance in adult men?
What is the normal biomechanics of the foot and ankle?
What is a biomechanical assessment of the foot and ankle?
What are the movements of the foot and ankle during pronation?

i have done my key assessment 1 which gives an outline of topic and the articles i plan to use. im willing to pay more if needed. all 12 articles must be use or 12-20 articles. attached are subtopics i planned on talking about you can use those or make new ones. key assessment 2 i broke down six articles to help start the paper.

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