Write an argumentative Essay on significant problems in education that need to be addressed.

Words: 290
Pages: 2
Subject: Do My assignment

Write an argumentative essay in which you
reflect on what you believe are significant
problems in education that need to be
addressed. You will need first to identify the
problem(s) and then discuss why you think
the problem(s) and need(s) are that should be addressed. As you develop your ideas,
remember to analyze the situation to show
that it is a real problem; just saying it is a
problem is not enough. You should discuss the cause of the problem, identify those whom it impacts, and explain the impact. As you
brainstorm to identify a problem you want to
write about, you might think about the
following areas:
• A particular curriculum—for example,
required courses in elementary school, high
school, or college, or the particular skills
taught in one of those courses
• Learning environment—for example, physical classrooms, access to technology within
classrooms, or online learning experiences
• Disciplinary practices—academic practices within a particular major or field of study.You
should provide relevant and sufficient
information and data to support your
assessment. Be sure to fully consider the scope of the problem by analyzing it thoroughly and evaluating it carefully. You are not responsible for providing a solution, just showing that something is a problem.

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