Discuss the gaps in the literature as found in your peer-reviewed research articles and how the gaps can be closed in future studies.

Words: 294
Pages: 2
Subject: Do My assignment

To accomplish this discussion board, you will need to review your submitted W4 Evidence Table & Search Term Worksheet. Based on your peer feedback this week, you may need to refine your literature search as you work to formulate your literature review.
1. For question, one complete the following:

a. How does a researcher determine gaps in the literature? Discuss the gaps in the literature as found in your peer-reviewed research articles and how the gaps can be closed in future studies. Support your rationale as to why you have identified this as a gap. What further research could be implemented to help close this gap?
b. Refine your original research question/problem statement (PICOT question) submitted in week two or develop a new research question/problem statement (PICOT question) which best reflects your identified gaps in the literature search. Submit your new statement here for peer and faculty input. This new research question/problem statement (PICOT) will guide your evidence-based practice (EBP) project in NRSG 680.
2. Pick an article that is included in your submitted W4 Evidence Table & Literature Search Worksheet to discuss the reliability and validity of the tool. Based on your chosen article, interpret the results or findings of the article and its generalizability and evaluate the outcomes of the study and implications to practice.

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