Choose a structure/civil engineering system (bridge, building, road network, etc.) and perform a preliminary qualitative life cycle analysis from cradle to grave (sources of materials, construction, use, demolition, final waste storage).

Words: 240
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

This assignment is based on the lecture series given in the first two weeks of class. You will be putting the ideas and concepts into practice by analyzing an infrastructure system of your choice. Follow all instructions in the Individual Report Template (posted in Modules).
Here are the two assignment prompts. Choose one to analyze:
Choose a structure/civil engineering system (bridge, building, road network, etc.) and perform a preliminary qualitative life cycle analysis from cradle to grave (sources of materials, construction, use, demolition, final waste storage). Include some numerical estimations of greenhouse gas emissions associated with various aspects of the cradle to grave cycle.
Choose one of the sustainable infrastructure frameworks and apply it to analyze the sustainability of your local community (city you live in, neighborhood you live in, etc). Include some numerical estimations of the greenhouse gas emissions of systems in your community. How can it be improved to be more sustainable? What challenges may prevent you from implementing these changes?

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