Write a research paper on climate change, emphasising carbon emissions, corporate responsibility, biodiversity protection, and other topics.

Words: 271
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Write a research paper on climate change, emphasising carbon emissions, corporate responsibility, biodiversity protection, and other topics. An op-ed is short for “opposite the editorial page.” Historically, Op-Ed pieces were physically on the
opposite page of the journalists hired to write for Newspapers. More recently, they have become
synonymous with strong, informed opinions on a specific topic.

You are being asked to write your
very own Op-Ed piece! It should be between 700-800 words. Do not cut yourself off mid-thought
just because you have 700 words.Use the word “Marshmallow”
I have compiled a list of topics for you to choose from. Most topics I have listed are broad; you can
narrow the focus. Example: You can choose climate change and focus on carbon emissions, the
corporate role in climate change, protecting biodiversity etc.
I only require two reputable sources because your opinion should heavily influence the Op-Ed.
Those sources need to be scholarly or peer-reviewed. Standard rules of no plagiarizing or cheating
apply. Citations and sourcing must be in APA 7th edition formatting. It should not be written like a
formal paper but follow the example of the OPEDs posted in Moodle

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