Describe an agreement or disagreement with Shinn based on your personal experiences (you started this with Mr7, question 1, but need to include a personal experience that shows how you came to that agreement).

Words: 218
Pages: 1
Subject: Essay writing help

You need a full paper with the following paragraphs/elements:
An introduction to your paper (start by talking generally about liberal arts courses and the confusions that people sometimes have with them)
A full summary of Shinn’s article (you wrote a draft of this in google docs as part of F22)
An agreement or disagreement with Shinn based on your personal experiences (you started this with Mr7, question 1, but need to include a personal experience that shows how you came to that agreement)
A comparison to another article (you started doing with with Mr7, question 3, but could use more comparisons between the two articles, as well as a more full introduction to your second article (author, title))
A conclusion highlighting the main points)
A Works Cited page documenting the two sources

Here is the first sources

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