Chapter 8: Empirical Methods ( attached below ) discusses Content Analysis. For this assignment, you will choose episodes from a television show or 2-3 songs from one (1) artist to analyze.
Option 1: Television Show
Choose two (2) episodes of a television show (30 minutes to an hour in length) and choose a unit or category that you would like to investigate. Make sure that is it appropriate for the television show. Your paper will have three sections:
First, a basic summary of the plot of the episodes, focusing on how the story is told visually. Make sure to discuss techniques that are specific to television (voiceover, narrative, camera angles, color, music, editing, etc.) and how they create meaning.
Make sure that your chosen category is readily identifiable within your show. Then using the chosen unit, objectively identify and count your unit within the show. There are examples of the results of content analysis in Chapter 8. Once you have identified the recurring themes of the show, discuss how the themes are used to inform viewers. What is being communicated? What do the units say about the characters or issues in the show?
In conclusion, write a paragraph discussion how the content analysis affected (or did not affect) your perspective on the show. What did you learn? Do you interpret the messages of the show any differently?
Option 2: Music
This assignment will require you to content analyze song lyrics.
Choose a contemporary (meaning, released within this millennium) artist whose songs you would like to analyze. Then, select two to three songs to analyze. Be thoughtful in choosing the songs. They should have a common theme (love, happiness, faith, are controversial, top hits by the artist, etc.) Your paper will have three sections:
Introduce the artist/musician and explain the theme or unit that you have chosen for your analysis. Suggested themes include but are not limited to gender roles, romance, sexuality, power, lifestyle, etc.
Analyze the lyrics of the song by identifying the chosen unit in patterns. It may be helpful to print a copy of the lyrics while listening to the song. How often do the themes/units appear? What are the similarities and differences in the songs?
Interpret and evaluate the results. What is the background of the artist? How do you interpret the unit/themes? What are the messages the lyrics are sending and what is their significance in society?