Write a research paper on How Do You Make Changes to a Strategic Plan?

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Write a research paper on How Do You Make Changes to a Strategic Plan?https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17EV9-ryHHD3eZH34N6rEFL6SLpbpwqGf

You are requested to work on a mobile application project for the communication of users.
The description of this project is given as follows:

A project team decided to develop a mobile application for the exchange of data among users anytime. The mobile application has many functions and features. These functions and features are provided as follows:
The mobile application enables the user to create an account.
The mobile application permits the user to log in or log out.
The mobile application allows the user to edit his/her profile.
The mobile application permits the users to exchange text messages.
The mobile application allows the users to exchange images.
The mobile application permits the users to send and receive voice messages.

The mobile application allows the users to send and receive videos.
The mobile application provides the service of chatting. This service enables the users chatting to each other.
The mobile application allows the users to make a voice call or a video call.
The mobile application offers the service of creating a group of users.
The mobile application provides the service of blocking annoying users.
The mobile application has a help service that can help the users know how to use the services of this mobile application.
The mobile application includes the Contact Us service.

You are requested to complete the following three tasks:
Task 1: Writing Report – Use Report Template Available in Moodle
Provide a report named “Project Title_Student Name_Student ID.doc” that describes the following items of the mobile application project for the exchange of data among users anytime. Use the Report Template.
The report must include the following items:
The abstract of the project. (2 Marks)
An introduction chapter of the project that includes background information, motivations of the project, problems of the project, aims and objectives of the project, the proposed solution of the project, constraints of the project, assumptions of the project and the structure of the project that shows the remaining parts of the report. (8 Marks)
A literature review chapter that reviews related works done by other authors, and the relationships between these related works and your work. Due to several relevant works on developing mobile applications for the exchange of data among users have been done before, provide the reasons for developing your work. Finally, compare your work with related works done by other authors. (8 Marks)
A chapter presents the team members and their responsibilities in developing the project. (6 Marks = 3 for the team members + 3 for the corresponding responsibilities)

The report must also include the planning phase of the project. The planning phase of the project plan must include the following items:
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) that includes phases and numbered activities (6 Marks)
Network activity diagram (Includes all the activities and MUST be compatible with the WBS above) (6 Marks)
Critical path and project duration (Based on your network diagram above) (6 Marks)
The report must be written in clear English language and should range between 2000 and 3500 words.

Task 2: Implementation using MS Project OR GanttProject
Using MS Project or GanttProject (Open Source), create the project plan named as follows:
“Project Title_StudentName_StudentID.mpp”.
The following information presented in the MPP file must be consistent with the information presented in the report in Task 1 (the planning phase):
– Gantt chart (created using MS Project or GanttProject) (6 Marks)
– PERT diagram (created using MS Project or GanttProject) (6 Marks)

Task 3: Oral PowerPoint Presentation
Create a PowerPoint presentation describing the outline of your project and capturing a summary of the main points. The presentation must be named:
“Project Title_Student Name_Student ID.ppt”;
Using the prepared presentation above, present your project in class (if the module is run on campus) otherwise record the PowerPoint presentation using the recording feature in MS PPT, save the recorded file and upload it to Moodle along with the other file (compressed);
The class presentation or the recorded PPT MUST be in clear English (12 Marks);
The marks for Task 3 will be allocated based on the quality of the slides (6 Marks), and the degree to which the student is convincing in his/her project plan proposal (6 Marks) (Total Marks for Task 3 = 24 marks)

The quality of the PowerPoint Slides will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
Having a standard style (1 Mark);
Writing should be clear and concise to the point (2 Marks);
Not too cluttered (1 Mark);
The slides MUST Not be a copy of the report (1 Mark);
Short and brief – Only Main points listed – (1 Mark).
NOTE: Submit to Moodle the Word document file on one link, and submit to Moodle in one zip file on the other link, the MPP file, and the PowerPoint file that includes the recorded oral PowerPoint presentation.

Dear Student – Pay Attention to the following:
Using the “T227 Report Template” (available in Moodle). (3 Marks)
Correct grammar, spelling, and clear English sentences. (3 Marks)
Submitting a “Process” not a “Project” will result in ZERO on the TMA
Report word count being between 2000 and 3500 words. (3 Marks)
Using the Harvard referencing system (author-date). (3 Marks)
More than or equal to 30% similarity is considered plagiarism. Light paraphrasing is considered plagiarism. Marks will be deducted according to the Faculty of Computer Studies rules and regulations up to 100% of the total marks according to the case.

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