Informative Speech Outline-How College Students can Identify the harmful effects of Skin Care Products.

Words: 222
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment, Education

Hello Class,
The Informative Speech Outline is structured in (3) Parts…
The outline format is supported by:
General Speech Goal
Specific Speech Goal
APA Resources in the Bibliography
Please do not wait until the last minute to do this assignment. This will be your “Speech Script” so if you fail to do it successfully, you risk a low grade also on the presentation. In class we provided “Step by Step” instruction. Remember, it is a process. If you need help with your outline, please make a “Student Engagement Appointment” or “Schedule an Appointment with the Tutoring Services. The tab can be found on the left of your Canvas page. Please see the a student example here.

Speech Outline Writing Rubric

My Topic is How College Students can Identify the harmful effects of Skin Care Products. Please Follow the steps from the example I sent

Total Points: 100

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