How did the Progressive reform movement change the United States between 1900 and 1915?

Words: 100
Pages: 1
Subject: Essay writing help

Your answer must explicitly draw
on relevant information from the American Yawp textbook, and the provided
primary sources. You must draw on all three types of sources. Do not consult materials that are
not included on the course syllabus. Your answer should have a thesis statement that clearly answers
the question

To make your answer as precise and persuasive as possible, you must reference specific pieces of
evidence—people, events, places, ideas. You may include direct quotations from relevant lectures
and readings as evidence—but no more than two sentences. Use only the most telling or powerful
direct quotations. All references to these sources, whether quoted directly or not, should be cited
with a footnote. Your word processing software will have a built-in feature for inserting footnotes.
You can find good, quick tutorials by googling ‘how to insert a footnote in [your word processor].’

Your answer should be around 1,000 words. Please clearly identify which question you are

Use three different examples to support your response.
You must use at least three of the following primary sources AND relevant sections from
American Yawp ( chapters 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23.1-6, AND from course lectures, weeks 6-8, to
support your answer:

a) Eugene V. Debs, “How I Became a Socialist,” 1902 –
b) Alice Stone Blackwell, “Answering Objections to Women’s Suffrage,” 1917 –
c) Woodrow Wilson, “New Freedom,” 1912 –
d) Theodore Roosevelt, “New Nationalism,” 1912 –

HST essay exam grading rubric-

A range (90-100):
1. Provides a clear answer to the question that is argumentative (explains how or why), logically
coherent, and factually correct
2. Body paragraphs make substantial and logical use of at least three primary sources and both kinds
of secondary sources (American Yawp and lecture notes), or otherwise fully follow the instructions
provided; do not ignore obvious sources relevant to the question; clearly cite all sources in footnotes

Body paragraphs are organized by analytical topic sentences and accurately explain how the primary
and secondary sources support or help prove the answer; direct quotes are analyzed in light of other
course materials

B range (80-89):
1. Answer is lacking in one of the qualities listed in the A range

2. Body paragraphs are deficient in only one of the qualities detailed in the A range. For example,
one of the following: analysis is truncated or otherwise limited; or makes inadequate use of one
source category (primary, AY, or lecture); or makes an erroneous interpretation or other significant
factual error; or citations are substantively incorrect.

C range (70-79):
1. Answer is lacking in two of the qualities listed in the A range

2. Body paragraphs are deficient in two of the qualities detailed in the A range. For example, two of
the following: analysis is truncated or otherwise limited; or makes inadequate use of one source
category (primary, AY, or lecture); or makes an erroneous interpretation or other significant factual
error; or citations are substantively incorrect.

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