Social Identity Theory

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Pages: 2

Identify a modern theory of oppression to explore. Examples can be found in chapters 6-7-of your textbook. Choose from the following theories: contact theory, cosmopolitanism, pluralism and multiculturalism, constructivism, postmodernism, symbolic interactionism, social identity theory, narrative theory, critical race theory, indigenous theories, strengths/resiliency theory, person-in-environment perspective, feminist theory, intersectionality theory, or liberation pedagogy. I

2. → Review the literature on this theory. Include at least 3 recent articles (from the last 10 years) and at least 2 older articles to discuss and compare the evolution of the chosen theory. You may use your textbook as an additional source. Minimum of 5 sources. T

3. Write a 6-8 page paper based on the following guide, being sure to format your paper in APA 7h. edition. Note: 6-8 pages of content, not
including title page or reference page.

Part I: Origins of the theory and its evolution over time I
• → Clearly state the theory from the theorist’s perspective. ”
• → Define important terminology from the theory. (For example, if you choose liberation pedagogy, you would want to define critical consciousness)”
• → What is the historical context of the theory?!
• → Where was the theorist living at the time?9
• → What was the political/social climate of the times? I
• → What is the purpose of the theory?”|
• → What are the theory’s assumptions?1

Part 2: Implications for social work practice today, including implications for change for social justice, equity, and inclusion. 9
• → Identify strengths and weaknesses of the theory. I
• → Justification and Relevance of the theory; identify its importance, especially as it relates to culturally grounded SW practice.
• → Identify and clearly state at least 2 implications for social work practice today. (Remember that theory shapes practice, and practice shapes theory)

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