Prepare a report of your company’s performance and strategies during the six-year operating period.

Words: 255
Pages: 1
Subject: Business

Prepare a report of your company’s performance and strategies during the six-year operating period.

Competitive strategy–

Cameras (15 marks)
Set forth your company’s competitive strategy for cameras in some detail and how that strategy has evolved over the years you have managed the company. Address product design, marketing, compensation, facilities and other relevant factors. The length of this section will be a function of how your company’s strategy in cameras varied from geographic region to geographic region, such that your company is pursuing a meaningfully different competitive strategy in some regions versus others.
Drones (15 marks)
Set forth your company’s competitive strategy in drones in some detail and how that strategy has evolved over the years. Address product design, marketing, compensation, facilities and other relevant factors. Again, the length of this section will also be a function of how varied your company’s strategy for drones varied from geographic region to geographic region.
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