How can we see your chosen theoretical perspective and concepts working within your current event and what does this all mean for society? What does it reveal about our society?

Words: 502
Pages: 2
Subject: Do My assignment

The discipline of sociology requires that its students examine “taken for granted” occurrences and evaluate the social structures and social facts that have created a situation. The Theoretical Framework Paper provides a space for you to do just that and display your sociological imagination.

For this paper, you will pick a current event to sociologically analyze. This requires you to conduct some research on a current event that you are interested in. Examples of potential events that students have chosen in the past are: COVID-19; Black Lives Matter Protests; Presidential Elections; Brexit; Online Learning; Racism in Education; Immigration; Climate Change; Mental Health; Mass Shootings; Child-Parent Separations at the Border; Mass Incarceration; The Housing Crisis, etc. You can choose an event that is happening anywhere around the globe.
To begin your sociological analysis, you will pick the theoretical perspective that best applies to your event. Remember, the large theoretical perspectives in sociology are: Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interactionism, and Structural Functionalism (i.e. Functionalism). Although many current events can be analyzed from any theoretical perspective, there are some perspectives that are more appropriate for a given event. Conduct your own research using the lectures, textbook, and outside readings to select the most appropriate perspective. If you need assistance choosing the best perspective, send me an email! I’d be happy to help!
You will then pick at least three sociological concepts that support your theoretical perspective and best support a sociological analysis of your current event. You will most likely have to read ahead and take a look at the reading from this course that aligns with your topic. Since you have to look ahead and conduct your own research, you will be graded on your best efforts to explain your concepts and apply them to your event. Your analysis does not have to be perfect. Your Quantitative Analysis paper and Final Presentation will be spaces for you to refine your articulation of theories/concepts.
To conduct an analysis of your current event, ask yourself: Who, What, Where, Why, and How, and what are the implications of your current event? How can we see your chosen theoretical perspective and concepts working within your current event and what does this all mean for society? What does it reveal about our society?
All papers must be formatted using ASA. Your paper must be at least 4 double spaced pages in length. See a detailed rubric on the next page for additional assistance. If you have any questions, feel free to visit my office hours or send me a message on Canvas.

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