For this assignment, you will conduct a miniature literature review surrounding your health care topic of interest.

Words: 403
Pages: 2
Subject: Nursing

For this assignment, you will conduct a miniature literature review surrounding your health care topic of interest.Find 3 to 4 articles from reputable journals using resources such as Google Scholar – not Wikipedia. For assistance with this, reach out to the resources available via the LibraryLinks to an external site.. The result of this assignment should be 3 to 5 pages, single spaced.
For each paper, you will provide an overview of the following, with special attention given to the study design and statistical approach:
Research question
Study population
Study design
Statistical approach
Statistical result
Conclusion drawn
Strengths and weaknesses of the study
The goal is not to simply reiterate what is presented in each article, but rather to expand on the information by evaluating the aspects of the study using your own perspective. It is also preferable that you synthesize the articles in such a way that connects them together and shows how they interact in our body of knowledge, drawing comparisons between them.

Note: Articles that are a review or summary of other articles are NOT acceptable for this assignment. They are fantastic resources to find the original articles and review them but they do not go into the detail you will need for the questions listed above.
Please include a reference page which, at minimum, lists the articles you evaluated. APA guidelinesLinks to an external site. should be followed.
You will be graded on completeness, accuracy, and professionalism. Do you include all of the above requirements? Are you making correct statements and reporting accurate information, both about your papers and statistics in general? Is your writing a high quality? Is your paper polished and professional?
If you have any questions about this assignment, including with respect to whether or not your chosen articles are of acceptable quality, please do not hesitate to ask. Also please utilize the resources available to you as part of Saint Mary’s including the Writing CenterLinks to an external site..

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