Provide the definition of a “system” and give an example of a “system” from the case.

Words: 216
Pages: 1
Subject: Education

Part 1

After reading the Todd Family Case Study carefully, please identify the six members of the Todd family.

Your description should include:

1. Name

2. Approximate age

3. Role in the family (e.g. grandmother, mother, father, stepfather, son, daughter, etc.)

4. Current strengths and challenges. Please include a discussion of any behaviors that may stand out, as well as any interactions that this person may have with other systems and/or people

Part 2

1. Provide the definition of a “system” and give an example of a “system” from the case.

2. Provide the definition of a “subsystem” and give an example of a “subsystem” from the case.

3. Provide the definition of a “role” and give an example from the case that demonstrates that a family member is not engaging in behaviors that are in line with their expected role. Use specific evidence from the case.

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