Write up two ideas that you took away from the presentation. You can add in topics that puzzled you; and if you are unsure how this related to your future professional identity/career, you can post that as well. Those of us in attendance can try to help you make that connection!
reply to two peers
Live Presentation on Linguistics: What Educators Should Know
I enjoyed the presentation from last week. The quote shared in the beginning of the presentation stuck with me, “There is something particularly human about using tools; the first and most important tool being language.” Language is by far the most powerful tool that humanity has.
It was interesting to learn the many benefits of being bilingual such as strong executive function, delay in onset of Alzheimer’s, improved problem-solving skills and cognitive flexibility, increased tolerance of ambiguity, and ability to suspend mutual exclusivity.
As school psychologists, when working with multilingual students we must provide services in the language that best meets the student’s needs. It’s important to promote a culturally and linguistically responsive approach in schools to understand student’s literacy development and facilitate tailored interventions.
peer#2 Maria
The linguistics presentation was an insightful and valuable experience. I think that understanding the formal properties of language, as well as how it is acquired and used in various contexts, is crucial, especially when you work with EB students. In addition, having an understanding of linguistics can aid in assessing and supporting EB students effectively.
Understanding that language is a powerful valuable asset can not only help open many opportunities, but it can connect you with the culture of EB students. It is important to note that linguistics is part of the communication needed to know how to deepen our understanding of contextual factors and dynamics in communication. There were also things mentioned about prejudice and how it involves biases towards others. I was able to understand more about the benefits of being bilingual for other types of functions, something that has always fascinated me is just how the brain works and creates branches within when someone speaks more than just one language.
Overall, this will play a role in my career as a bilingual school psychologist, and having more background knowledge and opportunities like this will continue to equip and prepare me for my career.
link of slides