Write a literature study for an academic article in which you present a case for or against the racism of Bahamian and Caribbean travel advertising.

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Write a literature study for an academic article in which you present a case for or against the racism of Bahamian and Caribbean travel advertising. Develop an introduction followed by a literature review for academic essay that makes an argument about whether or not Bahamian/Caribbean tourism advertisements are racist or just good marketing. To start off, please read the excerpt from Strachan’s Paradise and Plantation attached in the files below.

Remember, it is up to you to develop and focus that topic into a specific, unique, and academic thesis statement and approach.

A minimum of three example Bahamian tourism advertisements that you “close read”. These can be images (e.g., from social media) or video.
Minimum of ten academic sources from google scholar (Attach all the links of the sources used. This can include the Strachan piece attached in the files
Please use APA style

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