Explain how the technique works, explain how it could be applied to treat a genetic condition AND, most importantly, what are some of the potential risks of using such a technique.

Words: 152
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Choose and research an interesting genetic ‘technique’ that has been used, is currently being used or has the potential to be used in gene therapy procedures.
Explain how the technique works, explain how it could be applied to treat a genetic condition AND, most importantly, what are some of the potential risks of using such a technique. It can be a technique that we have discussed OR something that you find in the literature. Feel free to include any other information that you would like to in your report.
The assignment should be between two (minimum) to three (maximum), typewritten, double – spaced pages with 1″ margins on top, bottom, right, and left side, and size 12 font. Reports shorter than the two page minimum will be penalized. This assignment WILL require you to do some research using either scientific journal articles or reliable Internet sites. When articles or an Internet site are used proper references must always be given so that anyone else could easily find your source.

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