Write a research paper that goes into further detail regarding which Latin American nation is the richest.

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Write a research paper that goes into further detail regarding which Latin American nation is the richest.Your chosen famous Latin American, thesis statement, outline, and at least four sources

choose from the following:

Examine the life of a famous or infamous Latin American: Research how he or she affected culture and society in depth. You can choose from Eva Peron, Juan Peron, Fidel Castro, Porfirio Diaz, Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, Carmen Miranda, Pele, Hugo Chavez, Emiliano Zapata, Pancho Villa, Simon Bolivar, Rigoberta Menchu, Dilma Rouseff, Jose Vasconcelos, Manuel Noriega, Violeta Chamorro, Che Guevara, Dolores Cuacango, Ingrid Betancourt, Evo Morales, Cristina Kirchner, Diego Maradona, and Roberto Duran among others.

Textbook –

Smith, P. H., Green, J, N., & Skidmore, T. E. (2018). Modern Latin America (9th ed.). Oxford University Press Academic US.

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