Describe and discuss the use of appropriate ways to use technology (e.g., avatars, 3-D technology, etc.) to motivate the gifted learner.

Words: 188
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Topic: Describe and discuss the use of appropriate ways to use technology (e.g., avatars,
3-D technology, etc.) to motivate the gifted learner. Information on motivation should
be a part of this paper.

You must write about the topic in depth (application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation). nclude a brief history of the topic, prominent names and/or theories, seminal studies, driving data (if available), how it applies to more than the classroom setting, and the
future of the chosen topic.
The textbook might be useful and can be found at this link:
Kettler, T. A. (2021). Modern Curriculum for Gifted and Advanced Academic Students. Taylor & Francis.

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