Literature review on non oral contraceptives and its effects on reproductive health; both good and bad side effects

Words: 107
Pages: 1
Subject: Literature

Comparative Analysis of Non-oral Contraceptives: Evaluating Efficacy, Acceptability, and Side Effect Profiles ( Something like this , My focus is NON oral contraceptives and how it affects reproductive health )


Title page: Include a title, your full name, student ID, course and instructors

Abstract: ~200 words

Introduction and history: Introduce the topic (the what; define terms; where are we going?) and provide some historical background, if relevant.

Body: Use intuitive headings and subheadings as you see necessary to capture a narrative.

Conclusion: Briefly summarize your review, and outline what some of the future considerations are or where you think the field is going.

References: At least 15 primary references, but that’s a bare minimum. You can and also include secondary reference, but don’t plagiarize the style of any reviews you use/include. (Please make sure u are actually choosing the primary references and it matched with what u write in my paper my profs go through each reference to check as they notice some students just put random references.)

Use the Journal of Physiology referencing style for in-text citations and in the references

Some sources that u should use: But remember I need atleast 15 primary sources – Bitzer, J. (2011). The Vaginal Ring (NuvaRing) for contraception in adolescent women. Gynecological Endocrinology, 28(2), 125–129. – Spevack, E. (2023). The Long-Term Health Implications of Depo-Provera. – Thomas, M. A., Chappell, B. T., Maximos, B., Culwell, K. R., Dart, C., & Howard, B. (2020). A novel vaginal ph regulator: Results from the phase 3 AMPOWER contraception clinical trial. Contraception: X, 2, 100031 – Turok, D. K., Gero, A., Simmons, R. G., Kaiser, J. E., Stoddard, G. J., Sexsmith, C. D., Gawron, L. M., & Sanders, J. N. (2021). Levonorgestrel vs. copper intrauterine devices for emergency contraception. New England Journal of Medicine, 384(4), 335–344. – Zhang, C., Li, H., Xiong, X., Zhai, S.-D., Wei, Y., Zhang, S., Zhang, Y., Xu, L., & Liu, L. (2017). An open-label, two-period comparative study on pharmacokinetics and safety of a combined ethinylestradiol/gestodene transdermal contraceptive patch. Drug Design, Development, and Therapy, Volume11, 725–731.

Things that will be considered in grading/ Rubric:
-Have you critically evaluated and assessed the experimental design and techniques of the primary articles?

-Is there evidence of a comprehensive evaluation with the published literature on your topic, including comprehensive use of diverse references?

– Is the writing organized and flows in an intuitive way for the reader? Have you presented your thoughts or stories in an organized and logical manner?

-Have you paid attention to your writing quality and formatting, including grammar and spelling?

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