Demonstrate an understanding of the effect of emotions on behaviour and the potential impact on others: you discussed generic emotional responses, but this is a personal reflection and you have not considered the impact of your own psychology.

Personal Effectiveness for Professional Practice Module NS50112X
Introduction, presentation, organisation and academic writing (Outline of aims, structure and presentation, and rationale of the assignment):
Discussion, critical analysis and evaluation (Achievement of learning outcomes, academic writing and level of analysis):
LO1 Demonstrate through self-reflection the ability to seek support and feedback aimed at developing personal effectiveness: This is more of a description than a reflection. There is minimal evaluation or analysis expected at Level 5.
LO2 Demonstrate an understanding of the effect of emotions on behaviour and the potential impact on others: you discussed generic emotional responses, but this is a personal reflection and you have not considered the impact of your own psychology.
LO3 Formulate a plan for ongoing development in personal effectiveness.: Your plan contains some interesting goals, but they are quite generic and not specific to the reflection.
Conclusion (Summary and recommendations):
Referencing and use of literature (Citations, selection of literature, use of recognised referencing system and reference list): You included some references, but you did not comment on what you had read or use any theories or concepts to analyse your experience.
Comments (Areas for further development of the work – feed forward).
I imagine you may be disappointed with this grade. I would encourage you to engage with the study support team to elevate your prose. Read widely on emotional responses to learning disabilities and look at theories and models. Consider your own emotional response and the impact it had on your actions and judgement.
First Marker: 12/12/23
Second Marker:
Date: 22/12/23

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