Write your last writing assignment using the following guidelines. Show your graphs and data you used to respond to these questions in a 4-5 page typed double spaced paper. What is your social problem? Discuss the nature of the social problem.

Assignment Question

Writing Assignment 100 points: Write your last writing assignment using the following guidelines. Show your graphs and data you used to respond to these questions in a 4-5 page typed double spaced paper. What is your social problem? Discuss the nature of the social problem. Why is this a social Problem? How prevalent is this problem? What communities are most effected? (10pt)

Present evidence that a problem exists using data sources. (you should have numbers/graphs/charts to provide evidence to support the problem) (10pt) List and explain least three undesirable social conditions that result from this problem. Also give examples over time of how this problem has evolved. Be specific and cite your sources: (10pts) How is this problem addressed in society? Identify which sociological perspective applies to your social issue. In your opinion what should be done about this issue. (50 pts)

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