Write an essay on a relevant macroeconomic topic (e.g., the recent ináation surge, economics of COVID19, unconventional monetary policies, digital currencies, Önancial crises, asset bubbles, life satisfaction, happiness, and subjective well-being, productivity slowdown, secular stagnation, income inequality, job polarization).

Words: 172
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Regarding the writing assignment, students will be encouraged to write an essay on a relevant macroeconomic topic (e.g., the recent ináation surge, economics of COVID19, unconventional monetary policies, digital currencies, Önancial crises, asset bubbles, life satisfaction, happiness, and subjective well-being, productivity slowdown, secular stagnation, income inequality, job polarization). While I will give you some general ideas, I expect you to choose the topic of your essay. However, I reserve myself the right to modify your chosen topic or assign you one in case you fail to send me a proposal by October 23 (see below)

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