Write a paper that summarizes the major concepts, the theory of change, and the stance and role of the therapist for Bowenian Family therapy and Narrative family therapy model.

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Pages: 1
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Write a paper that summarizes the major concepts, the theory of change, and the stance and role of the therapist for Bowenian Family therapy and Narrative family therapy model. You should compare and contrast their theories of change and how the therapist positions herself or himself in relation to the clients, and summarize the significant differences between the modernist and postmodernist theories you chose in your conclusion. The paper must include a reference list, subject to the following conditions: Include at least eight references to scholarly articles from peer-reviewed academic journals. You may include additional books, websites, interviews, and other popular sources but these will not count toward the minimum of eight academic references. Make sure at least three of your resources are published within the past 4 years. The remaining resources may be older if they are still considered current. Use the current APA style and formatting in your in-text citations and reference list.

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