Assignment Question
Instructions: You cannot copy and paste from any website or copy directly from your book. You must appropriately cite any sources you have used. Be aware that you must use sources other than the textbook to answer the questions. Plagiarized exams will receive a grade of zero. Go beyond mere opinion or simplistic responses. Demonstrate your understanding by providing insightful analysis and thoughtful arguments supported by relevant evidence that you must cite appropriately. Move beyond ‘I think’ and ‘I feel’ statements. Instead, strive for objective analysis and evidence-based reasoning to support your claims. Each answer should be long enough to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the question and provide sufficient support for your claims. Avoid short, one- or two-sentence responses. Aim for detailed explanations and well-developed arguments that display your knowledge and critical thinking skills.
1. Define the following as they relate to medical law and ethics. Most definitions will require 1-2 sentences. Just remember, defining is different from giving and example. You must define. You cannot say “Malpractice is when a doctor harms a patient.” This is an example, not the definition. (1 points each/10 points total):
- a. Negligence
- b. Statute of limitations
- c. Uniform Anatomical Gift Act
- d. Living will/advance directives
- e. Informed consent
- f. Implied consent
- g. Emancipated minor
- h. Mature minor
- i. Respondent superior
- j. Res ipsa loquitor
2. Research the Patient’s Bill of Rights and then provide a real-world example/scenario of how they would be applied to the following (15 pts):
- a. Choice of treatment
- b. Consent for treatment
- c. Refusal of treatment
3. There cent rise of at-home testing is attributed to the COVID-19pandemic and the need for individuals to know their status as quickly as possible in order to take steps to mitigate the spread. However, at-home testing is not new; for example, the first at-home HIV test was approved by the FDA in 1996. There is a push in the US for more at-home tests for lots of medical issues (STIs including HIV, Strep Throat, etc..) to be released to the general public. Do you see any legal issues with increasing the number of over-the- counter at-home tests to the general public? Do you see any ethical issues with increasing the number of over-the-counter at-home tests given to the general public? (25 points)
4. A15-year-oldboyentersyourclinicrequestingtreatmentforscalds received on his hand while emptying the dishwasher at his place of employment. Although his family receives medical treatment at the clinic, you are uncertain about seeing him without his parents’ knowledge. Can he consent to treatment? What specific consent should this be? What are the legal ramifications? (25 points)
5. What are the elements that must be proven to be successful in a negligence suit? Illustrate your answer with a case by describing the circumstances in your answer (you will need to put a link to the case as well as) (25 points)