For this exercise you will be watching a video of an attempted armed robbery where several citizens intervene. You are to role play as if you are an investigator who has been assigned to watch the video and document the actions of all those involved in the video so a prosecutor can decide on who to charge with what violation.

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Pages: 1

Assignment Question

Below, you will find two videos. One is of the video lecture and the other is surveillance camera footage to be used during the practical exercise. After watching the video and filling out the note taker located below, complete the below practical exercise.

For this exercise you will be watching a video of an attempted armed robbery where several citizens intervene. You are to role play as if you are an investigator who has been assigned to watch the video and document the actions of all those involved in the video so a prosecutor can decide on who to charge with what violation.

Keep in mind all of the materials covered in the readings and the video lecture and utilize them to complete this exercise for full credit! Video for the lecture can be found at: Video for the practical exercise can be found at: You may need to copy and paste this into a new window. The direct connection sometimes does not work.

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