How do you propose to handle this asset? How will you meet him and not get caught? Do you have CI concerns?

Words: 242
Pages: 1
Subject: World History

You are the CIA Chief of Station in Moscow. A few months ago a Russian intelligence officer volunteered to a CIA officer in New Delhi, India. Since then he has been met a half dozen times in India and other nations and provided intelligence regarding an alleged operation in Washington, DC. According to the Russian Moscow has a source inside the American National Security Council who is steering American foreign policy in a pro-Russian direction. The Russian intelligence officer claims not to know the identity of the asset. The Russian volunteer is now being posted back to Moscow. You have been asked to have one of your officers pick up contact with him inside Russia. How do you propose to handle this asset? How will you meet him and not get caught? Do you have CI concerns? If so, what are they? How do you feel about the security of this case and putting one of your officers out on the street to handle this source?

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