Analyze your organization’s sales processes and identify an IT system capable of improving the sales processes of your organization.

Words: 345
Pages: 2
Subject: IT management

Assignment Question

Imagine you work in the IT department of a financial services company that sells investments to, and manages investment portfolios for, high net worth individuals.

Your organization uses custom-built legacy software applications and systems to support its sales processes. The sales software applications and systems are not integrated, and they do not support an enterprise view of the sales processes throughout the organization.

Management is frustrated because the sales applications and systems do not provide the information and reports necessary for them to measure, monitor, and manage sales production in the organization. Sales executives and account managers are frustrated because the sales software applications and systems do not support the sales cycle for the products and services that the organization sells.

You have been assigned to analyze your organization’s sales processes and identify an IT system capable of improving the sales processes of your organization.

In addition, your organization is looking for an easy-to-use, cloud-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution to generate more leads, increase sales, improve customer service, reduce the cost of sales for the organization, and increase revenue. This week, you are conducting research that provides additional information to support your project and writing a second draft of your project plan. Conduct further research related to your project concerning: Industry trends and history Top technology vendors Project management approaches Development and deployment approaches Analyses of impact and risks. You may want to include Forbes and Harvard Business Review in your list of organizations to research. Record your research findings in the Supporting Research Report template. Complete all sections in the Supporting Research Report template.

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