Assessment 2________________________________________You have already identified unethical practice in an historical social psychology study for your mid-module assessment. In this end-of-module assignment, you will consider what could be done differently if this study were to be carried out today.TaskFor this assignment, choose a maximum of two of the ethical principles which you found to be relevant to your chosen study in the mid-module assessment. The principles can be found in Chapter 2 of the BPS Code of Ethics for Human Research []. They are:• Respect for the autonomy, privacy and dignity of individuals, groups, and communities.• Scientific integrity• Social responsibility• Maximising benefit and minimizing harmConsidering the ethical standards within the principle or principles you select, as set out in the Code of Ethics, identify how the methodology could be adapted to ensure the study would comply with current BPS guidelines, if it were to run again today. You should use the same study you selected for the mid-module assessment.Methodology refers to key decisions that have been made about how the study is carried out. This includes who the participants are, how they are recruited, what they are told, what happens during the experiment itself, how measurements or assessments are taken, and what happens after the experiment. You should focus on aspects of the methodology that are most relevant to your chosen study, and to the one or two ethical principles that you have decided to focus on.You should identify strong links between the unethical practice in the original study, the Code of Ethics principles and associated ethical standards, and the changes you propose. This will demonstrate your understanding of, and ability to apply, the BPS Code of Ethics for Human Research – an essential skill for any researcher and excellent preparation for your dissertation project.You should present your work as a PowerPoint presentation (10 slides), accompanied by a written narrative of 1,500 words (+/-10%)PowerPoint PresentationThe presentation should include:• Title page (slide 1)• A succinct overview of your chosen study (slide 2).• The 1-2 ethical principles you will focus on (slide 2).• Main body, as described above (slides 3-9)• List of References (slide 10)The PowerPoint presentation should be designed with an academic audience in mind and include graphics and/or bullet points rather than paragraphs of text.You can download PowerPoint here [] using your student credentials.Written NarrationImagine you are going to give a talk to an academic audience using your PowerPoint presentation. For the written narration, you will write down what you would say in this talk.Your narration should:• Be in a Word document.• Use headings relating to the slide numbers.• Complement and elaborate on the slide content – not just repeating what is already written on the slides.• Consist of 1,500 words (+/-10%)GuidelinesPlease make sure that you correctly cite and reference all sources you use and include a reference list. The reference list will not be included in your final word count. For support with referencing, please visit Study Resources in the Course Café.