Describe how and why this intervention works to engage children in a classroom TIP You are free to utilize the OWL through UW Extended Campus prior to submitting your paper.

Words: 737
Pages: 3
Subject: Do My assignment

Purpose The purpose of this paper is for you to elaborate on what you see as engaging in a classroom for students. You will back up your idea with research and expand on how you would use it in the classroom. This paper allows for you as an individual to apply educational concepts and strategies while describing it in your words and from your perspective as a developing educator. The mid-term assessment paper involves recognizing child development strategies as they are applied in education. The paper will focus on a topic in education that you believe engages students in the classroom. You will navigate academic databases to obtain 3 peer reviewed journal articles that investigate the effectiveness of this strategy in education. You will summarize the studies and then describe how you would employ this strategy as a teacher and explain why it would work to engage students. Search and obtain three (3) peer reviewed psychological journal articles that are intervention studies focused on engaging students in the classroom. Download the three (3) articles and attach them to an email to your instructor. I will then approve them for the paper if they are appropriate journal articles. An intervention means that the researchers manipulated the subjects in some way. For this paper, the studies need to be experiments. They are not to be a correlational study, a literature review, or a meta-analysis If you are unsure of the type of article you can either: Visit your library and work with staff in-person to understand what you are looking for Contact your instructor to discuss questions virtually Word process a six-page paper that: Summarizes the experimental interventions Operationally defines engagement in the classroom Explains the developmental theory the intervention is based on. Be sure to describe how and why this intervention works to engage children in a classroom TIP You are free to utilize the OWL through UW Extended Campus prior to submitting your paper. This is an excellent chance to have your paper proofread prior to submitting for evaluation. Content Breakdown Page One What do you find engaging in the classroom? Provide me your operational definition of engagement in the classroom and then describe experiences you have had in the classroom that have lead to high levels of engagement. Pages Two and Three Summarize the intervention(s) in the studies. Read through the studies you have found and then: summarize what that researchers did with students indicate the age and type of students in the studies Explain the outcomes of each of the studies Pages Four through Six Describe how the type of activity/intervention used in the studies is engaging for students by: describing how the work fits into educational psychology (intersections/integrates with material in the text) describing how you would use this activity/intervention in a classroom elaborating on how specifically the activity/intervention would engage students be sure to support and defend your ideas by incorporating content from the journal articles and the text and describing/demonstrating its effectiveness to engage in the classroom Expectations Six-pages Word processed Double spaced 1-inch margins 12-point font Summarize work from articles and other sources in your own words IMPORTANT DO NOT use quotes from the journal articles APA format for in-text citations when giving credit to the researches you are summarizing A reference page is not needed Proofread for grammar, spelling, flow, sentence structure, etc. If this paper is difficult to read due to grammar you will likely not get a passing grade TIP You are free to utilize the OWL through UW Extended Campus prior to submitting your paper. This is an excellent chance to have your paper proofread prior to submitting for evaluation. A Title page is not needed. Be sure to include your name at the top of the paper Make sure to write in your own words Submit the journal articles used for your paper when you turn in your paper Evaluation Review the rubric attached to this assignment prior to submitting.

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