According to research, it incurs up to $168 billion of the US aggregated spending in America.

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The third topic on prescription coverage for smoking cessation is a program and so you can work on a CBA on this. -Smoking cessation prescription coverage: cost-benefit analysis Smoking is among the activities that incur higher healthcare expenditures in the US. According to research, it incurs up to $168 billion of the US aggregated spending in America. Therefore, smoking cessation is one of the strategies prescribed by the US healthcare industry to help improve outcomes of the health of smokers, increase the number of quitters and reduce the burden of smoking. Even though the strategy can work in leveraging all these, patients using the out-of-pocket means find it a limiting strategy. Payers in the healthcare industry are essential because they use formulary decisions and policies; however, they should consider the required financial investments and the negative impacts of increased coverage in healthcare budgeting.

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