Short Paper: Two-Factor Authentication (Cyber Security).

Words: 234
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

In this activity, you will write a 2 to 3 page research paper. In your paper, you will compare and contrast the different types of two-factor authentication and their advantages and disadvantages.Identity management is the process of verifying that an authorized user is who she/he says she/he is with “something they know,” like a username and password. This is critical to the safe operation of corporate IT systems. For many decades, users have only used a username and password to gain access to corporate IT systems. However, there are more and more issues of unauthorized users stealing passwords and masquerading as authorized users. Such instances have led to lost and unrecoverable revenue for corporations. More and more corporations are instituting two-factor authentication for users to provide “something they have” to the authentication process. The combination of “something they know” with “something they have” makes it very difficult (but not yet impossible) for unauthorized users to gain access to corporate systems.

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