1. Describe, in detail, your decision-making process regarding this incident.
2. Describe the principles or reasons behind the College’s policies associated with this incident.
3. Identify what motivations influenced your decision-making process
Scope: (Answer two of the following questions.)
1. Describe the impact, if any, of your actions on each of the following: you, your friends, your family,
staff, others present or not present, and the Rollins College community as a whole.
2. Explain your responsibility as a member of the Rollins College community and what you will do in the
future to make sure you are meeting these responsibilities and expectations.
3. What realistic advice would you give to other students similar to yourself who may find themselves in a
similar situation?
Personal Reflection: (Answer two of the following questions.)
1. Describe the impact that your decision-making process has had on your experiences at Rollins College,
whether academically, socially, financially, professionally, or otherwise.
2. How did you grow or change as a result of reflecting on your decisions?
3. What influences impacted your decision-making process and how did your decision align with your
personal values?
Application: (Answer one of the following questions.)
1. Describe some of the common situations you will continue to face in your life as a student where you
will need to consider what you have learned from this incident and detail how you would respond in those
2. Identify any factors (whether environmental, personal, or otherwise) that may negatively influence your
decision to meet the College’s expectations. Describe, in detail, how you plan to overcome these hurdles.