How does the mental illness impact the patient and those with whom they are close?

Words: 217
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

1. Watch a movie, or read a book that depicts a mental disorder in a realistic fashion.
2. Write a 5 page paper including the following:
A) A short and relevant description of the movie or book plot.
B) A short description of the mental illness depicted in the movie or book.
C) What are the symptoms and possible etiology of the mental illness?
D) How does the mental illness impact the patient and those with whom they are close?
E) Comment on the treatment the person receives for the mental illness. If there is no treatment provided, what type of treatment would you recommend? Please describe in detail.
F) What progress is made if any in the treatment of the mental illness? Put yourself in the shoes of a clinician. What progress would you hope to achieve with this patient.
G) Personal reactions. (Very Important)

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