write and/or produce short editorial essays on topics relating to the readings, teaching material and class discussions.

Words: 333
Pages: 2
Subject: Uncategorized

Op-Eds: Students will write and/or produce short editorial essays on topics relating to the readings, teaching material and class discussions. Each piece will gather and assess facts relating to a specific issue and express a preference for a particular argument. Ideally your Op-Ed will also use timely examples and current events to support some of the points it makes. You should aim for your Op-Eds to comply with publication standards of outlets accepting freelance submissions and contributions in Canada and overseas. Feedback will be provided in the view that the student may explore the opportunity to publish the piece. The topic is interesting and well laid out in the piece although in some places the discussion could go into more depth.Steps to writing Op-Eds: https://www.the-learning-agency.com/insights/write-an-op-ed/Topic: Sexual minorities are individuals who associate with being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT). Belonging to LGBT was once termed as a mental disorder, but the community has since come a long way in the activism for their rights and made major progress. Organizations have attempted to implement diversity management issues in their policies but most of their guidelines remain unenforced. Pertinent issues still exist in the employment sector where sexual minorities receive differential treatment, unlike heterosexuals. The negative experiences of sexual minorities in the workplace can be overt or direct. Workplace environment and climate determine the negative experiences of LGBT in an organization. Prejudices, stigma, discrimination, and negative attitudes toward LGBT are significant issues with adverse outcomes on the mental and emotional well-being of sexual minorities.

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