Write a paper on the ESL students performance ( online vs offline classroom)

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Write a paper on the ESL students performance ( online vs offline classroom)This final work include the title of the thesis, the introduction, the first section with the theoretical and conceptual framework, and a bibliography. The added total we will be working on together is around 15 pages (so far) the paper should be perfect and extremely professional it should reflect in depth knowledge and understanding of the subject and project, strong analytical skills and EXPERIENCE in the field. – Addressing a questionnaire indicates a goal. Write a questionnaire. What kinds of questions will be posed? it should be doable and useful!
– Perfect the questionnaire (it is weak) Normally the questionnaire responses will not provide an answer to the study topic because they are only representations and feelings. Will need probably to include maybe plans to interview teachers and/or observe courses in person or online?? or anything else??
– few editing and then corpus 2 pages first then if all goes well more

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