International Students anxiety and self regulation

Words: 245
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Find a minimum of 20 journal articles addressing the following:
1. What does the literature say about international students with regard to anxiety and self-regulation in learning
2. Review the above topic. Find as much as you can (minimum 20 articles) and review what each study has found. This doesn’t have to be written as a literature review. You may write it as a bulleted list.

in your review of what you find, do this:
1. Article reference (APA7 Style) + the link of the article
2. Who did they study
3. Purpose
4. Type
5. Country/area
6. Sample
7. Methods
8. What were their research questions
9. What did they find, what were their results
10. Implications
11. Reviewers comments
12. What did they state still needs to be studied, what did they say was needed in future research

FIRST, look at research on internation higher education students and the relationship of anxiety and self-regulation in that population

SECOND, you want to look at these variables in higher education students in general

LAST, you’ll look at K-12
Professional training, human resource adult training type lit

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