How Can The CDC School Health Policies regarding COVID Impact state, district and classroom policies.

Words: 220
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

For the final project and presentation, I want you to teach your fellow students something informative that will help them to develop the Community Intervention Program. This may include a problem, issue, or concern relevant to community or family health. Students will choose their own topics but the instructor must approve all topics (your topics must be appropriate to the course objectives and the presentations must be tasteful and not offensive to your fellow students).

Examples include: “How does the mission of the Environmental Health Agency Work to Protect Communities?”, “How Can Eliminating Disparities Among Minority Populations Affect Community Resources?” or “How Can The CDC School Health Policies Impact state, district, and classroom policies”. You will be asked to research this topic, provide a written summary (minimum 1200 words) of the issue including learning objectives for your presentation and provide an informative and interesting presentation to your classmates.

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