“What is violence against women?” “Is violence against women something that can be changed?” in a thoughtful 500-word(min) response. Using the readings from the week in which the reflection paper is assigned, you will use theory from the text to support your claims and opinions. Additionally, you can use personal experiences to apply and exemplify the theories or to answer either question. You will not get credit if you do not cite from the readings. These will not be graded on a scale they will be pass/fail for points. To pass, you need to follow the directions and proofread.

Words: 174
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

“What is violence against women?” “Is violence against women something that can be changed?” in a thoughtful 500-word(min) response. Using the readings from the week in which the reflection paper is assigned, you will use theory from the text to support your claims and opinions. Additionally, you can use personal experiences to apply and exemplify the theories or to answer either question. You will not get credit if you do not cite from the readings. These will not be graded on a scale they will be pass/fail for points. To pass, you need to follow the directions and proofread.

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