managing stakeholder relationship

Words: 214
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

the business organisation that I choose was Tesla Inc.
The assignment tasks are as follows
Task 1 20 marks
Assess the importance of external stakeholders to your chosen organisation. You
are required to use relevant theory to support your answer.
Task 2 30 marks
Evaluate the potential opportunities and threats that pressure groups might create
for your chosen organisation.
Task 3 25 marks
Discuss the importance of trust and commitment when your chosen organisation
is developing and maintaining relationships with its stakeholders.
Task 4 25 marks
Discuss the importance of THREE key internal stakeholder groups, within your
chosen organisation, and ways that relationships with these stakeholders might be
managed by someone working in another part of the business.

format of assignment
assignment context
table of contents
Introduction- to include a relevant citation, definition of key terms
Tasks headings- each task heading on a new page
reference list

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