If Sweden does become a “cashless society” does this mean they will not have money?

Words: 166
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

This assignment is based on in-class lecture material, and the assigned readings from the textbook, Principles of Macroeconomic, 2nd edition. The assignment must be uploaded to Canvas by the start of class, Thursday, April 28. Late assignments will be penalized 20 points.
Read the article “Sweden leads the race to become cashless society” from the Guardian (find it online here, https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/jun/04/sweden-cashless-society-cards-phone-apps-leading-europe (Links to an external site.)). Write a one-paragraph summary of the article. If Sweden does become a “cashless society” does this mean they will not have money? Explain.

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