Provide a reason why this certain issue being presented is important to the criminal justice field

Words: 192
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

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Sentencing goals and rationales

In no less than 200 words, provide an analysis per the video, or videos, selected from either Chapter 11,
12, 13, or 14 (Part IV: Corrections). This should be a typed, double spaced, document with 1 inch margins, containing correct grammar and spelling. On the first line of text, include your name, chapter, and web address of video (videos) selected.

Ensure that you address all of the following requirements:

(1) Provide a description of the issue being discussed in the video

(2) Provide your reactions, thoughts, opinions of the issue being presented

(3) Provide a reason why this certain issue being presented is important to the criminal justice field

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