Direct Marketing Plan: Select Target and Define Market Assignment

Words: 248
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Select Target and Define Market:
Pick a Target Market – This project is about developing an iDirect marketing plan, which means your communication
is personal and specific to a certain demographic. Pick a target audience and
identify the age, sex, education level, income level, marital status,
occupation, and size of a family. Then, you can develop a personal iDirect marketing plan for that target. For
example, if you were advertising a restaurant and targeting moms in their 30s,
you might send a coupon for a free kid’s meal. The graphic would be a
family laughing together over a meal at your restaurant. If your target
is a single professional men in his 20s earning $35,000/a year, you might offer
a weekly “Thursday Night Date Night” with an appetizer, two meals, and a
dessert to share, all for one low price. The graphic might include a young
couple laughing and sharing a dessert at your restaurant. Different
people are going to be influenced differently, so you have to pick the target
for each direct marketing plan.

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