Research – Minimizing error

Words: 268
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Create a powerpoint slide deck to outline your strategy to minimize errors in your research proposal. You will create a minimum of 5 informational slides discussing specific sources of error outlined in the required reading relevant to your research proposal design (Title slide and Bibliography do not count). You must include the following slides and topics:

1. Hypothesis testing: You will state your research question hypothesis, along with a null and alternative hypotheses.

2. P-value: Based on the degree of risk involved in your study intervention and population, will you require a very low p-value (less than 0.01) or a more standard p-value (0.05) to reject your null hypothesis? Briefly explain why in your slide.

3. Type I Error: What are two common strategies to reduce risk of Type 1 error? Which one is most applicable to your study?

4. Type II Error: What are two common strategies to reduce the risk of Type II error? Which one is most applicable to your study?

5. Power: What is the most common strategy to increase the power of your study to detect specific differences between two groups?

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