Explain how racism does and does not affect people’s conservatism on matters of school in American society.

Words: 99
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

After considering forms of conservative backlash to Civil Rights in all of readings and resources (Parents for Fair Admissions, Storm in the Mounts, and “Landing on the Wrong Note”), discuss
The forms of advocacy displayed in these texts
The similarities and differences in these forms of advocacy
How racism does and does not affect people’s conservatism on matters of school in American society
And finally, the importance of not lumping people together as one category (that they are unfathomable) in your own study of schooling and American socieites.
This post should be 350 words and include answers and include references to readings, preferably paraphrased.

As a starting point, here are some page numbers from Moffett’s text in particular for your consideration.
pg. 5, first paragraph last sentence.
pg. 5, third paragraph first sentence.
pg. 6. first sentence
pg. 6, first paragraph last sentence
pg. 7, paragraph started at bottom of six, last paragraph.
pg. 7, first full paragraph (in the middle), last sentence
pg. 7, last sentence (going into page 8).
pg. 9, last sentence

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