The great schism that split the church into the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church will be presented. The years leading up to the division and the aftermath will be discussed.

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F‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‌‌or this assignment, you will compose an original research paper detailing the happenings of the great schism that split the church will be presented. The years leading up to the division and the aftermath will be discussed. The paper itself should be double-spaced and formatted according to the style used by the student’s major. Students must use Turabian. The font must be Times New Roman in 12 pt. HERE IS THE THESIS STATEMENT – The church founded on Christ went through a great deal of controversy in its early years. Somehow over and over again, the church kept growing and even thriving, but in the year 1054, it came to a great impasse. A detailed report of the happenings of the great schism that split the church into the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church will be presented. The years leading up to the division and the aftermath will be discussed. The books Church History in Plain English by Bruce Shelley, The Story of Christian Theology by Roger E. Olson, and In Search of the Triune God: The Christian Paths of East and West by Eugene Webb will be referenced. Articles such as The Dialogues of the Catholic Church with the Separated Eastern Churches by Ronald Robinson and references from the journal 1054 Revisited by Charles Franzee, and other scholarly sources will be used to reenact the events that caused this great division. *I can add references to the above mentioned sources if you can add others that would be great.* The paper itself should be at least 2500 words in length, N‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‌‌OT including the title page, notes, or reference page. Notes or in-text references, title page, section headings, page numbers, reference page or bibliographic should follow the Turabian style. You must complete the paper in MS Word. Students are expected to interact with and properly cite 3 respected theological sources (at a minimum), not including any course texts. Course texts may and should be used, but they do not count toward this minimum. Internet sources are not allowed in your research paper, including Google Books and previews. Sources other than your textbooks should be scholarly books or articles. E-books and full-text articles are allowed and welcomed as sources. English dictionaries, concordances, and study Bibles are not considered theological sources. In all forms, books, collections of essays or journal articles are preferred. Be sure that you examine both sides of an issue if writing on one of the controversies in the church. One major difference from the standard format of an essay (introduction, body of the paper, conclusion) is that each paper must include a section of application to the contemporary church. a. Place the application after the conclusion. b. Suggest how the conclusion of your paper can be applied to the contemporary church, or to the faith and practice of Christians. Do not merely suggest an application for the individual. The application can be moral, doctrinal (affecting the teaching of the church), or practical (affecting the everyday habits of Christian‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‌‌s).

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